CUNY College Now

College Now is a FREE college transition/dual enrollment program for New York City Department of Education high school students.

Earn college level credit while in high school!

What's the difference between College Now and Advanced Placement (AP)?

Although both College Now and AP courses provide students with rigorous and challenging course work, there are some very important differences. For example AP are high school courses which award high school credit. Note, students who take the AP exam can potentially earn college credit dependent on the exam score received. On the other hand, College Now courses are undergraduate level classes which award college credit upon successful completion of the course.

What are the requirements to enroll in a College Now course?

  • GPA: 80 or above

  • SAT Verbal Section (Min. 480), OR PSAT Critical Reading (Min. 50), OR ELA Regents (Min. 75) OR ACT (Min. 20)

  • SAT Math Section (Min. 500), OR PSAT Math (Min.50), OR Math Common Core Regents (Min. 70)

  • Students who use PSAT Scores must have an 85 GPA or higher

College Now Summer 2020 Info

All College Now full-day summer programs have been replaced with online college credit courses since CUNY’s 2020 summer session will be exclusively conducted via distance education format.

College Now Schools Affiliated with HSFI

All Other College Now Schools